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michael hedges:rickover’s dream
麦克亨吉斯:里克奥文之梦  detail>>
be on hedges
本森  detail>>
赫奇斯 模糊限制语  detail>>
benson hedges
本森  detail>>
peter hedges
海格斯  detail>>
hedges on either side of the road
道路两侧的树篱  detail>>
a dream
梦一场 我的理想  detail>>
as if in a dream
恍如梦境  detail>>
be in a dream
象作梦一样  detail>>
 n.  1.梦。 2.幻想,梦想;空想。 3.理想,愿望。 4.梦一样美好的人[物等],美景。  短语和例子 ...  detail>>
dream of
梦到;梦想,向往 梦见;渴望;策划 梦想,梦到 梦想,渴望 梦想;幻想;向往 梦想做某事 向往,渴望,梦想 向往;渴望;梦想  detail>>
dream, dream, dream, dream ~~~
做梦  detail>>
if in a dream
如入梦境  detail>>
in dream of
梦想……  detail>>
in the dream
在梦里  detail>>
not dream of
无论如何不会考虑到, 决无...之意  detail>>
s dream
里克奥文之梦  detail>>
the dream
风流梦  detail>>